Birthmark and Mole Removal Newport Beach
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Birthmark and Mole Removal in Newport Beach, CA
Traditionally, birthmarks are present at birth or develop early in life. However, they can cause damage to one’s self-esteem through adolescence and adulthood if they are large and noticeable. While most birthmarks do not pose health risks or necessarily require treatment, many individuals choose to have them removed. Depending on your needs and preferences, Dr. Grazer performs birthmark removal through surgical excision or laser treatment.
What Is a Birthmark?
A birthmark is an area of skin with discoloration, usually caused by abnormally behaving pigment cells or blood vessels.
Most often, these marks are harmless. Some examples include vascular birthmarks, such as:
- Port wine stains
- Strawberry hemangiomas, cavernous hemangiomas, other hemangiomas
- Salmon patches or stork bites
Other pigmented birthmark variations include:
- Café-au-lait spots
- Dermal melanocytosis (Mongolian spots)
What Are the Benefits of Birthmark Removal?
Birthmark removal offers numerous benefits, including:
- Improved appearance: For most patients, the main benefit of birthmark removal is a smoother, more even skin tone and complexion. This procedure can be transformative if the birthmark is in a noticeable area.
- Increased comfort: Sometimes, a birthmark can cause discomfort, itchiness, or soreness. These symptoms can be alleviated after birthmark removal.
- Peace of mind: Birthmarks can sometimes indicate an underlying condition (e.g., café-au-lait spots can indicate neurofibromatosis). In this case, having a birthmark removed can create a sense of relief.
Is Birthmark Removal Right for Me?
Individuals may consider birthmark removal for either cosmetic or medical reasons. Individuals who are suffering insecurities or anxiety due to a birthmark are likely candidates.
Candidates for birthmark removal should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations of their results. Sometimes, a birthmark cannot be removed entirely but can be made less noticeable. In other cases, the removal of a birthmark can leave a scar. These outcomes will be discussed at your consultation and should be considered carefully before your procedure.
The best way to determine your candidacy for birthmark removal is to schedule a consultation. Call Dr. Grazer’s office at (949) 644-1240 to get started with a custom treatment plan.
How Is Birthmark Removal Performed?
At Dr. Grazer’s office, birthmarks, moles, and other skin lesions have similar methods of treatment. The two main approaches are surgical excision and laser removal.
Surgical Excision
During a surgical removal, the area below the mole or birthmark is numbed with an anesthetic to ensure that there is no pain. This will also cause the mole or birthmark to rise, allowing for easier removal. Your birthmark or mole will then be removed with a sharp blade. Depending on the size and placement of the birthmark, stitches may or may not be necessary. Once the wound stops bleeding, it will be covered with a sterile bandage.
Laser Treatment
Birthmarks and moles can be removed using the VersaPulse® laser system. This laser uses green-light wavelengths that target the lesions while leaving the surrounding skin and tissues untouched so that there is minimal downtime or bruising. It is often used for the removal of unwanted birthmarks, with consistent results.
How Long Is Recovery After Birthmark Removal?
Both procedures have slightly different recovery processes.
After birthmark removal surgery, you may experience some discomfort or a burning sensation at the removal site. Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or TYLENOL® are sufficient to relieve pain. The excision site may be red for the first few weeks, but this will gradually lighten, and any resulting scars will fade. The results of surgical excision are permanent, and the birthmark will not return.
Laser birthmark removal with the VersaPulse® comes without serious discomfort or extended downtime. There are no numbing creams or injections necessary with this treatment, although some patients do report a slight sting (such as the snapping of a rubber band on the skin) during the procedure, and there is a minimal risk of bruising and swelling afterward.
What Results Can I Expect From Birthmark Removal?
Results can be seen after the first treatment. However, for more extensive, deeper, or darker birthmarks, multiple sessions may be required. Should you need a series of treatments, sessions will be spaced four to six weeks apart so that your body will have adequate time to heal.
Once you have healed, it’s important to use sunscreen and proper sun protection.
Are There Potential Side Effects After Birthmark Removal?
Birthmark removal through either treatment is considered safe and effective. While rare, surgical excision side effects can include:
- Allergy to the anesthetic
- Bleeding
- Scarring
- Infection
- Tenderness
- Swelling
- Pus from the wound site
Frequently Asked Questions About Birthmark Removal
Are all birthmarks permanent?
No. Birthmarks such as salmon patches, congenital moles, café-au-lait spots, and hemangiomas typically diminish or fade completely during childhood. However, port-wine stains do not fade and may darken in color during puberty. Abnormally developed blood vessels cause port-wine stains but rarely cause health issues. Children with prominent port-wine stains on their faces and/or neck often feel self-conscious about the birthmark and could benefit psychologically if it were removed.
The VersaPulse® laser system used by Dr. Grazer is highly effective for removing port-wine stains in children as young as six years old.
What other non-surgical cosmetic services does Dr. Grazer offer?
Dr. Grazer offers a collection of cosmetic surgery and non-surgical procedures. These include: